Music - RadioTuna

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More Than Just Tourism in the Commercial Space Industry

As we know, the Commercial Space industry is growing. NASA has been launching supplies to the ISS via commercial operators. Companies are testing space tourism transports and entrepreneurs all over the world are trying their hand in finding a way to make money from a place very few people have ever gone.

The large growth we have seen recently is in part due to the commercialization of space becoming more manageable and attainable. New technologies and knowledge are being put to the test to get people into space and operating before other competitors can do the same. This privatization of commercial space can be a good thing. It removes costs from governments and their agencies. NASA has been a large promoter in the private sector of space. With the retirement of the STS, American Astronauts have been dependent on Russia for a ride to the space station. That trip for one astronaut is currently priced at $70 million (Martin, 2014).  NASA has also payed over $7 billion in contracts to Boeing and SpaceX who are currently developing new launch systems to get American astronauts into space within the next few years. In regards to the outsourcing of developing a launch system, it's a first for NASA. They certainly still have insight into the production, but their branding isn't going to be the one stamped on the side of the finished product. 

In addition to the large sum of money spent on contracts for a new launch system a very large amount of money has been spent on commercial space cargo transportation. As President Obama pledged in 2010, we (NASA) are now working with a large group of commercial space operators making space travel cheaper and more efficient. Currently NASA has more than a few contracts with cargo operators to transport goods to the ISS. A few of those operators are, but are not limited to, Orbital ATK of Dulles, Virginia; Sierra Nevada Corporation of Sparks, Nevada and SpaceX of Hawthorne, California (NASA Awards, 2016). Those companies have transported more than 35,000 lbs. of cargo to the space station.

The space industry has many more opportunities than just cargo and travel. Many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing asteroids as perfect mining sources. Some asteroids can hold valuable materials ranging in worth from $100 billion to others pushing $100 trillion (Thompson, 2016). The asteroid mining portion of the space industry would be worth trillions of dollars alone if and when it gets started. Gathering materials from asteroids is an endeavor much closer to us than one might imagine. Even though completely mining an asteroid for its resources may be a few decades down the road, we can still obtain materials and resources from them.  There is the possibility of using water found on asteroids to make fuel in space, instead of transporting it up from earth which will save much more fuel and money (Wall, 2015).

With the space industry growing all over the world, every country will have to work together to keep not only a peaceful relationship, but a friendly one. This is a lesser known subject, but a large one indeed. When and while the commercial space industry is growing larger than it is now, what policies will we adopt to keep the industry fair and safe? Will a free enterprise system work? Many of the policies here on Earth will now work in space. Many companies in any industry will cut back on certain costs because they are not seen as important costs when in reality, those cutbacks hurt employees in one way or another. That will simply not work in space (Livingston, 1999). Space should be the New Frontier. In that sense we should also explore it in a new way. Creating the safest possible environment and all working together to move mankind forward would be a good thing to remember.  


Livingston, D. M. (1999, August 14). The Ethical Commercialization of Outer Space. In Space Future. Retrieved from

Martin, K. (2014, December 2). The business of space: Exploring the new commercial space economy. In Aljazeera America. Retrieved from

NASA Awards International Space Station Cargo Transport Contracts (2016, January 14). In NASA. Retrieved from

Thompson, C. (2016, January 14). Space Mining Could Set Off a Star War. In Wired. Retrieved from

Wall, M. (2015, August 11). Asteroid Mining May Be a Reality by 2025. In Retrieved from

Sunday, April 10, 2016

NTSB and their Most Wanted Changes to Aviation

Every year brings a new list of the NTSB's most wanted. These most wanted are the changes to the transportation industry that they have deemed most important at the time. The list of 5 consists of cockpit image recorders, preventing loss of control in flight, fatigue related accidents, reducing distractions and medical fitness.

I believe that preventing loss of control should be the first priority on the most wanted list. The NTSB says that between 2001 and 2011 over 40 % of general aviation fixed wing fatal accidents occurred because of the pilots' lost of control (Prevent Loss of Control, NTSB). This is very common with pilots failing to see an oncoming spin or stall while in IMC. Presently, pilots will need a bi-annual flight review to keep their certificate current. Having only one check or flight every two years is not nearly enough practice to keep any sort of skilled honed to the level needed, especially with flying. There should be some changes made, calling for more required flight time or more training throughout the two years to keep flying skills and knowledge up to date.

Fatigue related accidents are of no surprise to the aviation community. Fatigue has been a heavy issue with aviation for quite some time and there have been improvements made, but not nearly as much as should be required from the industry. Over 42% of U.S. drivers have admitted to falling asleep at the wheel at least one time in their lifetime (Reduce Fatigue-Related Accidents, NTSB). Fatigue is common in all industries, especially in the U.S. where citizens work the most hours per week over other industrialized countries. Recently there have been regulations passed allowing more rest time for flight crews, but those regulations do not adhere to all working pilots in the industry. It also doesn't account for crew members not following fixed sleep schedules and the possibility of sleeping in a new environment every trip.

The third item on the most wanted list should be the reduction of distracting devices. PEDs are becoming more permanently fixed in our lives and we can never seem to get away from them. People driving and operating in the transportation industry need to realize that those little devices take our minds too far off of the situation at hand and cause us to become a danger to everybody around.

Fourth on the list should be medical fitness. The aviation industry has a strict medical screening for pilots which will be hard to add even more screening to. Certainly, some diseases and medical issues will be very hard if not impossible to detect at times, but those are rare cases. By producing an even more difficult medical examination process which will possibly not yield many results all while possibly restricting pilots who are fit to fly is not what the industry needs.

Lastly, cockpit image recorders should not be implemented into cockpits. With FDRs and CVRs pilots are already being heavily monitored during their time on duty. Having an image recording device always watching over you as well can become very stressful. To me, that creates the sensation of my boss always staring over my shoulder which will lead to a higher stress levels and a stronger possibility of mistakes being made. The use of FDRs and CVRs can already give us a clear view of what was going on in the cockpit. Is adding thousands of image recording devices to aircraft to always be glaring at our pilots a very good idea? I believe that to be a worse distraction than PEDs by the fact that you will always have the thought of somebody watching you through that camera on top of the company, your coworkers, the FAA and the rest of the industry.

One thing that should be added to the list is environmental and technology changes. Right now, the aviation industry will have to wait years or even decades for new technologies to be implemented. By the time they are moved into the industry, those technologies are obsolete. We need to find a way to remove or aid in shortening the time to approve technologies that do work and removing those that do not. It is time for aviation to be a leader in technology instead of always following close behind.


Prevent Loss of Control in Flight in General Aviation. (n.d.). In National Transportation Safety Board. Retrieved April 7, 2016, from

Reduce Fatigue-Related Accidents. (n.d.). In National Transportation Safety Board. Retrieved April 7, 2016, from

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Aviation Organizations

There are many aviation organizations out there. Many of these organizations are well known for taking a strong stance on their beliefs of what aviation should be. They cover the industry from general aviation all of the way to the airline pilots and beyond. Aviation organizations focus on informing there members of current events and protecting them in the advent of needing protection.

One organization I plan on joining is AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). They focus on growing and supporting general aviation in all ways they can. They believe that the right to fly should belong to everyone and AOPA fights to give everyone an opportunity to access it (Mission and History, 2016).  AOPA was incorporated on May 15, 1939 and have been promoting and improving general aviation for pilots and the industry ever since. Since general aviation brought me to where I am at today, I would prefer to give back what I can and help others find their way in the field.

Another leader in the aviation industry would be the Air Line Pilots Association. ALPA focuses on leading in safety and protecting airline pilots (What We Do, 2016). Their focus is to promote the health and welfare of all members before any governmental body.  They have negotiated hundreds of contracts with federal agencies and will continued that for a long time into the future. ALPA has a large member community coming in at over 52,000 pilots and 30+ airlines (What We Do, 2016).

These organizations want to improve the industry they are a part of. Not only safety, but organizational structures and knowledge of the industry. There are roughly 600,000 certified pilots in the U.S. and AOPA's U.S. member count in 2012 was around 375,000. Certainly, not all of those members are certified pilots, but that goes to show that there are a lot of people who care about the general aviation community and believe AOPA can help make a difference. Both ALPA and AOPA will continue to change and move to change the industry as how the people working and living in it need. I want to be a part of an organization that will help protect me by driving for the highest in safety and development of piloting skill and decision making.


AOPA, . (2012, April). IAOPA Statistical Report. Retrieved from

Mission and History of AOPA (n.d.). In AOPA. Retrieved from

What We Do (n.d.). In Air Line Pilots Association, International. Retrieved April 2, 2016, from

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Not Just Boeing and Airbus Leading Commercial Aviation?

As you may know, Airbus and Boeing will soon have some more competition brought into their commercial aviation monopoly. China's new aircraft, the C919 produced by Comac is scheduled to be delivered in 2018. Currently it is not certified by the FAA, but the airplane is still in its early stages. I am certain it will be certified before 2020. The airplane will be a direct competitor to Airbus's A320 and Boeing's 737 so I am sure if it is placed at a competitive price companies will be purchasing it.

Once certified, I think one of the challenges U.S. carriers with service using the Chinese aircraft will see is a shortage or price increase for parts regarding. There will have to be U.S. companies manufacturing the parts to specifications or more importations from the Chinese. Even though that may be an issue in the beginning, Comac hopes to sell 2,000 aircraft in the next 20 years (Jiang, 2015). As long as the aircraft manufacturing goes well and there aren't any large issues with it after manufacturing it should be a pretty simple feat, especially when they already have 517 orders before the first test flight.

In regards to the public perception of the new Chinese aircraft, I don't think it will be bad towards the new airplane. Airbus has been operating in the U.S. for years and hundreds of people choose to fly them every day. As long as there are not any large issues with the airplane I don't see any issues with it being accepted into the NAS.

Comac's C919 is part of a seven year mandated drive to restrict China's reliance on foreign imports. The company also has a smaller jet, the ARJ, that is far behind schedule, but there nonetheless (First China-made passenger, 2015). They also have a large body aircraft, the C929 in the works, but those aircraft seem like they aren't the priority.

I think many countries will love the competition that will in turn drive down aircraft costs and hopefully raise their profits. It will be an interesting thing to see as a new commercial airliner competitor comes to the market.


First China-made passenger jet leaves production line (2015, November 2). In Aljazeera. Retrieved from

Jiang, S. (2015, November 2). China to take on Boeing, Airbus with homegrown C919 passenger jet. In CNN. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Regional Airlines and Professionalism in the Industry

It is well known that the aviation industry is and has been feeling the effects of the anticipated pilot shortage. Thousands of pilots are needed to be hired in the next few years. The regional airline industry is the largest in need of these pilots. It is also known that the starting pay for regionals is very low with high work hours and minimal benefits. The industry has known that the shortage was coming for many years, but nothing changed. The pilot shortage is definitely a real thing, but there is an argument on the true cause of it. I think that it truly is a shortage and there are not enough pilots to fill the cockpits, but regional airline pay and professionalism may have some sort of blame to this. They have been growing very quickly in the past two decades and haven't given much to pilot's other than more work hours to include on their already overworked schedule. Recently there have been a few pay increases which will make the industry a little more manageable (Fact and Fallacy, 2016).

The regional industry's lifestyle towards pilots may have been what put them in this shortage in the first place. Without any sort of returnable pay after these pilots spend upwards of $100,000 or more on training a $20,000 starting salary does not sound very appealing. With the regional airlines flying more than half of the domestic U.S. routes there should have been some planning to make their industry more appealing for incoming pilots to come to them (Leocha, 2010). The easiest problem to see is pay, but on top of that there are benefits, workday hours, and company respect.

There is definitely an actual shortage of pilots in the industry, especially with so many retiring in the next few years. Those pilots retiring from the mainlines will open positions to the pilots high in seniority in the regionals and drain the pilot roster from the bottom. There will strictly not be enough pilots to continue flying all of the routes. Although this is not only a problem with the shortage of pilots. The regional carriers have grown too quickly and have not created an incentive to bring more pilots in. Flight school is a very, very expensive venture to undertake. As a flight student I can personally accord to that. The Regional Airlines Association has been trying to encourage students at the high school and collegiate level to try aviation with incentives such as bridge programs and gateway programs to get them to the regional airlines quicker (The Coming U.S. Pilot, 2015). That is a good start, but what they should really be doing is giving opportunities such as training cost compensation for guaranteed pilots or more competitive and attractive salaries to get more certified pilots to want to join the ranks in the first place.

Professionalism is having a quality and skill expected for a task that will also represent a company in a desirable manner. Pilots should take better care to their training/aircraft knowledge and know that it will directly relate to their personal and passengers' safety. An airline's management has to understand that pilots are only human and will make mistakes, but those mistakes can be exponentially increased when they are working long hours in less than satisfactory environments. It is also management's responsibility to ensure the quality of the training given to pilots is in compliance with the industry's standards and that pilots are fully capable of maintaining safe flight.

I certainly feel that low pilot pay has some cause in the lack of professionalism in the industry. Regional pilots (many of them) see the regional carriers as stepping stones to the major carriers. They want to spend as little time as they can with the regionals and hop up to the "real" airlines. If regional carriers showed that their outlook on air travel was the same as the majors or even beyond the regional airline industry would quickly change for the better. I certainly will be trying to have the mindset to learn something new everyday. Even if you fly the same route over and over, small things will change day to day and give new opportunities and openings to see and learn things from a different perspective. The aviation industry is changing and the people on the bottom of the [seniority] list will have to decide where they want it to go.


Fact and Fallacy of the "Pilot Shortage" (2016, March 3). In Patrick Smith's Ask The Pilot. Retrieved from

Leocha, C. (2010, March 12). Regional airlines with 2nd-class safety fly most domestic routes, more coming. In United Travelers. Retrieved from

The Coming U.S. Pilot Shortage Is Real (2015, February 16). In Aviation Week. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Commercial Space: Here to Stay or to Pass?

Space tourism has been a growing form or tourism since the 1960's. It began shortly after or even during the end of WWII during introduction of jet aircraft. This led to high altitude competition and speed records far beyond the speed of sound. All of these endeavors were new, reaching new altitudes and new speeds far surpassing any speed a person has gone before. In the advent of the Cold War the Soviet Union and the United States began the Space Race to get the first man into space and then beyond, to the Moon. We (everybody) had no knowledge of how the human body would react to the new environment of space, but we found a way. In the 1960's we had the Mercury missions and the Apollo Mission, being the most well known. Soon after with the knowledge from those missions and that of the X-15 the space shuttle was introduced. Ever since the retirement of the space shuttle we have been looking at new ways and new missions for future spaceflight. In the 1980's the commercial side of spaceflight was regulated with the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 in regards to regulation spacecraft launches, flights and reentry (FAA, In Office of Commercial Space). Modern commercial spaceflight is seeing the implementation of commercial spaceflight with paying passengers, where passengers can board a space-plane and take their turn at experiencing the world from above 327,000 ft.

The industry isn't greatly regulated other than the fact that the FAA has said that it has a say in everything being done in the industry such as possibly creating new or alternate requirements for a specific mission. It is a hard thing for the FAA to regulate being an entirely new industry. There will certainly be a learning curve  as the industry continues to grow.

I see commercial spaceflight growing very quickly in the next 35 years and even more beyond that. Passenger travel into space is here to stay. I believe it will be much more than something to check off of your bucket list, with the possibility of cooperation between governmental space programs and commercial programs to explore even more of space. It is even stated that use of the International Space Station is encouraged in Subchapter II, Section 50111 in Title 51 of the U.S. Code (Commercialization of Space Station).

The minimum requirements for becoming an astronaut may surprise you. You will need a bachelors degree in engineering, science or similar degrees, U.S. citizenship, 1,000 hrs of PIC jet time and to pass a pretty strict medical examination. These are only the minimums though as you most likely will need much more experience before you get accepted (Harris, How do I become).

Commercial spaceflight is going to grow very quickly by 2050 and even more so space exploration. I am very curious to where we will be able to send people in my lifetime and as to what will be discovered about the universe with it.


Commercialization of Space Station (n.d.). In Subtitle V—Programs Targeting Commercial Opportunities. Retrieved from;jsessionid=9BF6A4E8B8A5FE534EE9ADD6EC06E1FE?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title51-subtitle5&saved=L3ByZWxpbUB0aXRsZTUxL3N1YnRpdGxlNS9jaGFwdGVyNTA5%7CZ3JhbnVsZWlkOlVTQy1

FAA, . (n.d.). In Office of Commercial Space Transportation Regulations. Retrieved from

Harris, W. (n.d.). How do I become an astronaut?. In How Stuff Works. Retrieved March 13, 2016, from

Monday, March 7, 2016

Airlines and Government: Together or Separate?

A quickly growing conflict between foreign airlines and domestic carriers has been in the aviation spotlight for some time now. The argument on whether some foreign carriers receiving government subsidies under the Open Skies policy is in fact allowed under Open Skies. It is no secret that foreign carriers are receiving government aid as Qatar Airways has confirmed that it has received free land worth $452 million from the government while Emirates has allowed the Investment Corporation of Dubai to acquire their fuel hedging contracts (Emirates Confirms, 2015). They have also reported that the government has subsidized the cost of the terminal building that are exclusive use for Emirates. The U.S. airlines state that they are happy to compete with other companies, but not when their countries' agreements are being broken (Emirates Confirms, 2015).

These government assistance projects are in no way fair to the U.S. carriers trying to compete in the same market. Especially when foreign carriers are moving into the U.S. with rates that no domestic carrier can compete at. Some examples of U.S. carriers receiving governmental subsidies would be Transcontinental and Western Air and United, flying airmail routes in the 1920's and 30's. Although they received government aid, which was needed at the time to start and grow aviation, was a long time ago and well before large international flights were available and before countries came together and decided that airlines would have a free market and not be aided by a government. That is largely different than foreign governments quickly spending billions of dollars and starting up three major international airlines with the largest and most modern aircraft as well as airports to go with them.

The Open Skies agreement was signed by the U.S. and Qatar in 2001 and the United Arab Emirates in 2002 (Laing, 2015). It only took a couple of years to see that those airlines were quickly receiving government aid. There are many groups that claim the U.S. is only accusing the foreign airlines of breaching the agreement out of fear of competing with them. The gulf airlines even stated that the U.S. airlines need to do a better job of competing (Not a fair, 2015).

On top of government assistance it is also possible that foreign airlines are receiving large discounts on aircraft that domestic carriers cannot receive. This is possible through the Export-Import Bank. Foreign airlines need a governmental guarantee when purchasing an aircraft because they are such large loans. These loans will then have a lower interest rate in turn saving them money which can be put forward to purchasing more aircraft or lowing ticket prices while domestic carriers are out of luck (Weisman, 2015). Boeing says that the Export-Import Bank is crucial to foreign sales because of the competition with Airbus. Without the Export-Import Bank many carriers may move on to Airbus and leave Boeing behind.

I don't believe that the international air carrier operations are fair across the board. With so much aid from their governments, foreign carriers are at such an advantage to the U.S.'s counterparts. That on top of the Export-Import savings for foreign carriers is completely unfair. It will be interesting to see where these conflicts take the aviation industry in the next few years and whether or not the U.S. airlines will stay or leave international routes if the foreign carriers and their governmental assistance remain intact. As well as the foreign carriers growth to domestic U.S. routes.


Emirates Confirms Billions in Government Subsidy for Airport Terminal (2015, August 27). In Pr Newswire. Retrieved from

Laing, K. (2015, March 12). Airlines: Foreign subsidies are destroying flight competition. In The Hill. Retrieved from

Not a fair flight: Why U.S. airlines are upset over Gulf States' subsidies (2015, April 21). In Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from

Weisman, J., & Lipton, E. (2015, April 6). Boeing and Delta Spend Millions in Fight Over Export-Import Bank’s Existence. InThe New York Times. Retrieved from

Sunday, February 14, 2016

UAV Implementation and Regulation

UAVs are quickly growing in the U.S. and they have more uses than the commonly known package delivery. Some examples may be photography and videography as well as surveying and tracking wildlife or fires. They fit the category of aircraft by the FAA and will and are required to follow the regulations pertaining to them.

UAVs will certainly be put into the national airspace system. They currently have the 400' maximum altitude restriction, but I see that going away in the future when better technology and resources are put into implementing them. They certainly will be much more difficult to implement than other aircraft as they are small and most likely will not be picked up on primary radar. With the addition of ADS-B they would be always be seen, no matter where they are making the implementation much safer and easier to regulate. Drones delivering packages will be a more difficult task to bring together. If a drone runs out of battery it cannot make lift meaning that it will fall very far and very fast. If people or property is underneath damage or death is inevitable. There will certainly have to be safety features or specific air routes for drones to follow bringing them over sparsely populated areas and away from people. It will be interesting to see where the UAV regulation goes.

Drones are commonly seen as a danger, but there is a lot of technology out there that can make the use of them a safer. The use of them being flown near aircraft creates the thought of them being unsafe, but that is only a few people that disturb the image of UAVs for everybody else (UAV World).

If you do a quick search for UAV jobs you will find dozens if not hundreds of possibilities. The UAV industry is continuing to grow faster and faster. I don't see that stopping in the future anytime soon. There are many openings for UAV pilots and company managers (Indeed). Such as writing company policy to fit the FAA standards and to supervise those rules.


(n.d.). In Indeed. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

UAV World. (n.d.). FAA To Get Tougher With UAS Airspace Violators. Retrieved February 14, 2016, from

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cargo Industry and Rest Regulations

Following Continental Connection's (Colgan Air) flight 3407 crashing near Buffalo as a result of incorrect recovery to a stall the FAA implemented new requirements for pilots. These new regulations were regarding training such as the 1500 hour rule and rest period increases. Fatigue was a very large  issue in regards to this crash and there has been a lot of pushing for change, although not all of the change is for the better.

The rest periods under the new regulation have gone up to 10 hours with at least 8 of it being available to the pilot for uninterrupted sleep (FAA, n.d., pg.15, FAA, 2010). That is an increase from the 8 hour rest period from previous regulation. Companies and their pilots are strongly encouraged to make sure to get enough rest. The responsibility to mitigate fatigue is on everybody's  shoulders now.

Pilot duty time has changed requiring pilots a maximum of 8 or 9 hours on duty depending on their duty start time (Trejos, 2014). They must also have a minimum of 30 hours of consecutive rest every week (Trejos, 2014). These regulations do not apply to cargo pilots. They can be scheduled to fly a lot more and at worse times for rest periods than passenger pilots. This is odd because they fly the same aircraft that fly over you and me every day. That aircraft has to be controlled by somebody and a fatigued pilot is a fatigued pilot no matter what is packed behind them. The reason for passing on regulating cargo pilots may be for economical reasons for the companies. I believe that a very big reason is that there aren't many people on board. There are the two pilots and maybe a few crew on board. That is a lot less than hundreds of passengers and the truth is that people believe if an airplane goes down and kills only 10 people it is a lot better than one going down and killing that few hundred. What about the cargo crew and their families? What about everybody on the ground waiting to get hit? One person's happiness and life is worth regulating rest periods for cargo crews. 

It would be great if cargo carriers implemented the rest regulations as the airlines have. Personally cargo flying doesn't seem as interesting as a pilot for that reason. Cargo operations seem to have below par scheduling which is discouraging as well as their work duty periods. If cargo operations were required to follow the same rest regulations as passenger carriers I am almost certain that many more pilots would be attracted to fly cargo. 

FAA. (2010, January 27). Fact Sheet - Pilot Flight Time, Rest, and Fatigue. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from
FAA. (n.d.). Final Rule. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from
Trejos, N. (2014, January 3). New pilot fatigue rules go into effect this weekend. In USA Today. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Third Class Medical Reform

At the moment all pilots are required to have at least passed a third class medical. In the past few years there has been a large movement to remove the need of that medical requirement for general aviation operators so more pilots can keep flying. Say the reform passes; it could only be used for recreational purposes. There will be some limitations with altitude topping out at 18,000ft and airspeed up to 250 knots as well as aircraft weighing up to 6,000 lbs. (Tennyson, 2015). Most general aviation pilots never exceed those tolerances anyways.

The Pilots Bill of Rights 2 was passed on December 15 by the senate and has moved to the house (Tennyson, 2015). After it is passed by the House of Representatives it will move to be signed by the President and into law. With the current FAA funding extension ending in March of 2016 it is likely that we will either see another extension to the funding (Tennyson, 2016). It may also be likely that with the funding extension we see a time extension and are left waiting on the FAA.

With the passing of this Pilot's Bill of Rights, many more opportunities will open up for pilots who have been denied their medicals or have quit pursuing it all together out of loss of hope. Many people may be welcomed back to flying as many adequate pilots are out there that have been unable to pass a medical and will hopefully be allowed to fly again soon. This can also save a lot of money and give some personal input with airmen's own personal doctors by dropping the need to see an AME and only being required to see a personal doctor every 4 years and taking an online course every 2 years (Bertorelli, 2015).

The third class medical reform will be a great change in aviation and especially great for GA. It will not just allow older folks to fly again, but will allow competent pilots of any age to fly. Many great pilots who haven't been able to fly have moved down and flown light sport aircraft for years to get around the medical problem. Those pilots will no longer be oppressed by the FAA's medical requirement and I hope this help in growing general aviation.


Bertorelli, P. (2015, October 1). In Third Class Medical Reform: Hope's Not Misplaced. Retrieved from

Tennyson, E. A. (2016, January 14). In Next steps for medical reform. Retrieved from

Tennyson, E. A. (2015, December 15). In Full Senate passes medical reform. Retrieved from

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Pilots Competing Depression

On March 24th, 2015 I remember walking into the library and seeing all three televisions on the wall tuned to CNN. The title across the screen read something along the lines of plane crashes in alps. That managed to get me more interested so I looked into it a bit further and found out a Germanwings aircraft flew into a mountain, killing all people on board. Later on it became known that the captain had been locked out of the cockpit and the first officer had flown flight 9525 into the ground by his own will.

The captain left the cabin during cruise at 38,000ft (Bureau d'Enquêtes, 2015, pg. 7). Afterwards the first officer had a series of selecting different altitudes from 100 ft to 49,000ft. Not long afterwards the aircraft began leaving the cleared altitude and descending. ATC attempted to make contact multiple times with no response. Flight 9525 increased speed and held around 325 knots. Nearing the selected 100 ft altitude the GPWS engaged and remained engaged until impact with ground soon after (Bureau d'Enquêtes, 2015).

The first officer was known to have a history of depression or mental illness in 2009 for which his 1st class medical was denied while taking medication, but then soon approved with a limitation for regular medical exams (Bureau d'Enquêtes, 2015). He passed all 1st class medicals after 2009. 5 years took place from that point up until the accident which is a significant amount of time to have depression if the illness remained with him up until March 24th, 2015. It is hard to determine if he was still suffering from depression since 2009, but it was said by people close to him that he was stressed out with work.

SilkAir Flight 185 crashed killing all 104 people on board after what was determined by the NTSB as pilot suicide. The investigation did have a lot of conflicts between investigation parties. The NTSC decided that the cause of the accident could not be concluded (National Transportation Safety Committee, 2000). The aircraft entered in a high speed dive soon impacting the ground, but before the non-normal flight characteristics began the CRV and FDR stopped recording.

I do believe that depression is something that most people would not quickly admit to. It is a seriously scary illness for the fact that it causes people to not feel like they are needed. It can cause suicidal thoughts and possibly lead to actions with those thoughts. Although suicidal thoughts are possible with depression it is the suicidal/homicidal thoughts and actions that are bizarre to me. Like Collin Hughes states in his blog, "Lubitz, Pure Evil", people who not only remove themselves, but take other people away from their own lives are the most selfish thing in the world (Hughes, 2015). A cure or treatment for that kind of evil may never be discovered, but depression is treatable. Depression should be something that people should not be scared to admit to and receive aid for. Recently the FAA has allowed the use of 4 different depression medications while flying which is great. It shows that people are seeing that pilots with depression are really just people like everyone else going through tough times.

It seems like the airlines and FAA may be straying from adding pilots with depression to the grounding list and moving towards treating those pilots for their illness. Depression is a treatable disease as long as people know about it. When somebody hides it from others out of fear of losing a job or being scrutinized is when the sickness will grow and become much worse. With more people reaching out and showing empathy for pilots suffering from depression comes the possibility of more of those pilots getting treatment to recover and continue flying just as they would hope.

Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la Sécurité de l'Aviation Civile. (2015, March 24). Preliminary Report. Retrieved January 24, 2016, from
Hughes, C. W. (2015, March 27). Lubitz, Pure Evil. In Prozac Pilot - Pilots With Depression - Pilots on Antidepressants. Retrieved from
National Transportation Safety Committee. (2000, December 14). Aircraft Accident Report SILKAIRFLIGHT MI 185. Retrieved from

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Air Traffic Control Privatization--Current/Next Gen

There has been talk for years of changing the ways ATC functions. Possible privatization of ATC as a whole and finally the installing of Next Gen. Currently the United State's Air Traffic Control System is radar based, whereas upon the installment of Next Gen ATC, air traffic control will become satellite based. The Next Gen system will replace the older and outdated use of primary radar and VORs/NDBs. Currently air traffic follows routes along VOR radials, vectors and arrival and departure procedures which can be far from direct at times causing higher fuel burn and longer flights. By switching to a heavier dependence upon satellite systems, air traffic will be able to follow more direct routes and maintain a closer separation to cut back on route diversions all while continuing as safe and if not safer than before.

In addition to Next Gen, there is possibility of ATC becoming privatized which will have advantages and disadvantages. A few advantages are the probability of costs being reduced, increasing the speed of ATC system modernization such as implementing Next Gen and to stabilize funding (Sclar). Many General Aviation leaders and organizations have concerns about implementing a privatized ATC. While saving money for the government, the money to replace government funding will likely come from user fees on top of the fuel tax. This can lead to a pay to use policy causing many pilots to pass up ATC aid for flight planning, flight following and the like to save money even though it can increase their risk to danger from weather or a high traffic volume (Wood, 2015). The EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) has very large concerns with ATC privatization along with other GA organizations, while the airlines are pushing for a non-profit privatization (Grady, 2015). The airline industry seems to be leaning towards a private ATC, with some spokesman stating that having a private industry will hasten the implementation of technology improvements that take too much time with the current system.

The most well known country with Air Traffic Control in the private sector is Canada. There are many articles stating that Canada has done what the U.S. should be doing because of the FAA's history of failing to meet deadlines, going over budget and failing to implement technology upgrades.
As stated earlier, a privatized ATC will be funded by user fees which is either a good or bad thing depending on what part of the industry you are working in. Canada has roughly 12 million flight operations annually while the United States ATC runs around 50 million annually (Mark, 2012). Although many people will argue that Nav Canada's (Canada's private ATC structure) implementation has been a success, their current air traffic is much less than that of the United State's. There would definitely have to be some major differences with implementing a similar private Air Traffic Control into the U.S.

A privatized Air Traffic Control could be what this country needs. It would certainly need input from the entire spectrum of aviation personnel. The country has a lot of traffic with many needs and different motives, but a properly functioning privatized ATC could lead the aviation community much faster and further than the current structure all while maintaining the same safety standard.


(2014, September 18). In Air Traffic 101. Retrieved from

Grady, M. (2015, December 2). Airlines Push For ATC Privatization. In AVweb. Retrieved from

Mark, R. (2012, January 1). Canada’s Private ATC System Offers Alternative for Cost-cutting Nations. In AINonline. Retrieved from

Sclar, E. (n.d.). In Pitfalls of Air Traffic Control Privatization. Retrieved from

Wood, J. (2015, July 8). Call to action issued over ATC privatization. In General Aviation News. Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Personal Introduction

The first job I wanted, was to be a firefighter. I am sure I was right alongside many other young kids wanting the same thing in kindergarten. Afterwards I moved onto a police officer, but reaching middle school we had to do these career building exercise things, where we (students in middle school) took quizzes to see what interests us and then after completing around 40-60 questions you would get a list of 40 jobs that may or should interest us. At the top of the list of Coast Guard Captain and Pilot. Both of those sounded very appealing to me so I continued researching through the years about how to get started in those professions. 

In 8th grade I took my first flight and I knew that was what I wanted. Since then it has stuck and I am continuing to pursue a career in the aviation field. 

I am pursuing the Aviation Flight Technology degree at Eastern and I just started my senior year so I hope to be completing my degree in the fall of 2016. 

I am currently working on CFI training and after obtaining my certificate I would like to flight instruct to gain more experience. Afterwards I would like to find a flying job in Alaska at either a small airline, charter and/or possibly bush operation.