Music - RadioTuna

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Personal Introduction

The first job I wanted, was to be a firefighter. I am sure I was right alongside many other young kids wanting the same thing in kindergarten. Afterwards I moved onto a police officer, but reaching middle school we had to do these career building exercise things, where we (students in middle school) took quizzes to see what interests us and then after completing around 40-60 questions you would get a list of 40 jobs that may or should interest us. At the top of the list of Coast Guard Captain and Pilot. Both of those sounded very appealing to me so I continued researching through the years about how to get started in those professions. 

In 8th grade I took my first flight and I knew that was what I wanted. Since then it has stuck and I am continuing to pursue a career in the aviation field. 

I am pursuing the Aviation Flight Technology degree at Eastern and I just started my senior year so I hope to be completing my degree in the fall of 2016. 

I am currently working on CFI training and after obtaining my certificate I would like to flight instruct to gain more experience. Afterwards I would like to find a flying job in Alaska at either a small airline, charter and/or possibly bush operation. 

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